
Massage Therapist since 2005

Yoga Instructor since 2012

Health and Life Coach since 2013

I have always been passionate about helping others gain greater levels of freedom in their Bodies. I know that the body holds trauma and triggers that can restrict our physical and emotional movement alike.

My goal is to empower you to understand and work with your body's innate ability and desire to heal. I want to show you how to carry positive results into your life and to build an understanding of the interconnected nature of your whole being.

I am always honored by the trust my clients share with me, and I dont take lightly the responsibility to earn that trust through intentional, ethical and skillful work.

The ambiance, smells, sounds, and sensations work together to create the ideal environment for healing. I always work with your soft tissues and their natural resistance level, which requires remaining present.

We will work with your breathing and at times, guided visualization to ensure the optimal relaxation state. Deep tissue (firmer pressure) is mindful and methodical. Release cannot be forced by the Therapist, only encouraged through skilled invitation.

My preference is to work with clients who have a goal in mind and are willing to commmit to the moment. My favorite clients to work with are the ones who are truly open to healing and don't expect a massage therapist to undo in one hour, what has often taken months or years to accumulate.

Yoga, Coaching and Massage work synergistically to provide space, breath, movement and most importantly mindful awareness.

Private Yoga sessions can be one of the best investments a client can make in themselves. Alot of people are intimidated by attending a class because they don't feel confident in their abilities or skill level. With private instruction, clients recieve hands on guidance and bodywork to augment their learning. All poses are tailored to the clients body.

Health and Life Coaching can be tied in with both of these other modalities as a way to change habits and patterns and release long held negative beliefs about your body and life in general. The feelings that we supress end up locked in our body as pain and tension, turning from Dis-ease to Disease. This manifests emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, financially, and relationally. As a somatic practitioner, I get alot of feedback about your inner state through connecting with your outer state (tension, pain, breathing patterns, body language, language, etc). So I often encourage my coaching clients to come in for bodywork throughout the process (if local) to layer in more information that helps me to help you.